The California Mission tribes inhabited the coastal regions of Southern California and were the first to come into contact with the Spanish in this area. In the 18th century they were ultimately forced to convert and to leave their rich hunting grounds to supply field labor to the Spanish. Both the missionaries and the accompanying military created a demand for their baskets.
Do you love Native American inspired history and information? Then the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s newly re-opened Native American Exhibit is just the place for you!
Visit this exhibit year round at JHM!
Our newly updated exhibit features 18th and 19th century basketry and beadwork from the U.S. and Canada in a brand new and larger display. You’re guaranteed to experience never before seen basketry from our collection that we now have the opportunity to showcase! Also featured in our Native American Exhibit are prehistoric pottery from the American Southwest and Mexico, and an extensive collection of prehistoric tools and points found right here in Coshocton County.
300 N. Whitewoman St.
Coshocton, Ohio 43812 |
(740) 622-8710